DataTraveler 100 Generation 3 (G3) Kingston's DataTraveler 100 G3 (DT100G3) USB Flash drive is compliant s next-generation USB 3. 0 specifications to take advantage of technology in newer notebooks, desktop PCs a digital devices. DT100G3 tvorí storing a transfer dokumentov, prezentácií, hudby, videa a viac. DT100G3 features a sleek, cost-effective design to previesť transition to a satisfying USB 3. 0 experimenty a minimal investment. S kapacitou 8 GB - 256 GB, DT100G3 je kompatibilný s USB 2. 0 a má štyri roky warranty. Future-proof your portable storage teraz! FeaturesCompliant - with USB 3. 0 specificationsDual Compatibility - USB 3. 0 connectivity; backwards compatible with USB 2. 0Customisable - program Co-Logo availableGuaranteed - five-year warranty, free technical support SpecificationsCapacities1: 8GB, 16GB, 32GB, 64GB, 128GB, 256GBDimensions: 2. 362" x 0. 835" x 0. 394" (60mm x 21. 2mm x10mm)Operating Temperatures: 32°F až 140°F (0°C až 60°C)Storage Temperatures: -4°F až 185°F (-20°C až 85°C) 1Niektoré listované kapacity na Flash storage device sa používajú na formovanie a iné funkcie a preto nie sú dostupné pre dátové storage. Ako such, aktuálna dostupná kapacita pre skladovanie údajov je less than what is listed on the products. For more information, go to Kingston's Flash Memory Guide.

Značka Kingston

EAN: 0740617211726