S viacerými a viacerými údajmi sa vytvorili a prechádzali každý deň, Verbatim má upgraded flagship Pinstripe USB drive to USB 3. 0. The PinStripe USB 3. 0 teraz offers faster transfer rýchlosti a veľké capacities, umožňujúc spend less time waiting and more time creating. The PinStripe USB Drive z Verbatim má push a pull sliding feature which protects USB konektor when it not in use with need for a separate cap which is easily lost. Vo svetle, updated pinstripe design, USB 3. 0 verzia PinStripe je dostupná v rozsahu kapacít na obsadenie vašich needs, tvoria perfektné everyday dáta mobility riešenia pre everyone. Product Dimensions: 55mm x 19mm x 7mm (L x W x H)Product weight: 7 grams approxSystem requirements:USB 3. 0 / USB 2. 0 portWindows 10, 8, 7, VistaMac OS X 10. 4 alebo higherLinux 2. 4. 0 or higher.

Značka Verbatim

EAN: 0023942493181